CLICK ON THE PHOTO and the VDO will Pop Open in a New Tab. Good Sample Aerial View of the Store, Orchards and Supporting Facilities. Monster Mash Music in the Background, with Some Scrolling History of the Orchards. ENJOY!
CLICK ON THE PHOTO and the VDO will Pop Open in a New Tab. Soleil with Thomas; Capture their Awesome Experience in their Journey Together, to Almar Orchards… in a Surreal Way. With Gentle Music Playing in the Background. And Real Interaction with the Employees as well ENJOY!
And in Soleil’s Words, “Come along for a visit to Almar Orchards, as we enjoy the autumn season and the changing leaves, pick our pumpkins to carve, and enjoy some treats from the orchard including fresh apples and cider…”
CLLCK ON THE PHOTO and the VDO will Pop Open in a New Tab. This Couple Captures Their Date Out; at Almar Orchards, during the Quarantine Season. Selecting their Items for their Dinner; to Walking Around the Orchard, enjoying the animals. Then back to Taste Testing Their Dinner Items. And Spoiler….She LOVES THE DONUTS! ENJOY!
CLICK ON THE PHOTO and the VDO will Pop Open in a New Tab. Jar31 goes into Details; with his Taste Tasting of the Different flavors, of Hard Ciders. Jar31Adds a Touch of Humor; with his personal responses, on how his Taste Buds React to the Flavors. ENJOY! … Jar31 DID.
CLICK ON THE PHOTO and the VDO will Pop Open in a New Tab. The Flint and Genesee County Commerce AD, Featuring Almar Orchards. A Good VDO that Captures the Handling of the Apples from Beginning to End. And Encourages Others Who Want to Start an Agricultural Business in Genesee County, to Contact Them. ENJOY!
CLICK ON THE PHOTO and the VDO will Pop Open in a New Tab. ABC12 NEWS Interviews the One and Only Jim Koan. Jim humbly takes the Thank Yous’ from Customers, Who Appreciate the Almar Orchard’s Family for Growing Food for Them. Jim goes into details how the this year’s season affects next year’s apple supplies. ENJOY!
CLLCK ON THE PHOTO and the VDO will Pop Open in a New Tab. Flint and Genesee Group, does their Hidden Gems Video about Almar Orchards. Jim Gives Them a Tour, with Back Ground Music and Written Transcript while the Video Plays. ENJOY!
CLICK ON THE PHOTO and the VDO will Pop Open in a New Tab. The Denice and Anne-Marie GRANDS 4 GOD SHOW; Interviews Jim, in great detail in this Video. A Long Video, But Worth Every Minute of It… The WHYS Jim was Personal Convicted to Convert the Whole Apple Orchard and Farm to Organically Growing Everything. Jim shares the Window of Time, When the Apple Tastes It’s Best. Jim is Like a Apple Tasting Connoisseur. He knows how each apple will taste through out it’s life cycle. With a lot of Varieties on the Farm, one is able to DANCE with the Flavors. Oooo. It’s Time to Get our Apple Tasting Dance Moves ON. This is a Good Video for Those of US, who want to change our diets from eating processed food to organic. And the Benefits as to WHY. ENJOY!
CLLCK ON THE PHOTO and the VDO will Pop Open in a New Tab. ABC 12 NEWS Let’s their Audience know the Apple Picking Season Starts Early in 2024, with a Quick Interview with Jim. And a Few Onsite Views of the Orchard. ENJOY!
CLICK ON THE PHOTO and the VDO will Pop Open in a New Tab. WNEW TV5 Interviews Jim. Jim Emphasizes the need to be OK, with Being a Failure to Learning How to Grow Produce Organically. With so many bugs and diseases; one needs to be patient in learning their local eco system. Organically Growing Produce; takes several years of trails and errors in Mastering in Managing Plant Life Cycles. Once one does, it makes the process so much easier and predictable. AND the Last Half, shows a good overview of the Skedaddle Event the Almar Orchard’s Host in the Fall. ENJOY!
CLICK ON THE PHOTO and the VDO will Pop Open in a New Tab. This is a Behind the Scenes View of the Bluegrass Band Playing before the Skedaddle Event Participants are Ready to Relax. And Pat Themselves on the Back with some good Entertainment and Dancing, ENJOY!
CLICK ON THE PHOTO and the VDO will Pop Open in a New Tab. This is a Quick Interview, Cider Making and Store Video by Carlisle TV News. ENJOY!
CLICK ON THE PHOTO and the VDO will Pop Open in a New Tab. This Video is a Good General Overview of the Almar Orchard Pigs hanging out and Lounging Around, while a Visitor’s Observing them. ENJOY!
CLICK ON THE PHOTO and the VDO will Pop Open in a New Tab. Yup that’s Jim with a Chain Saw in his hands. Jim Gives Us an Intro into the Principles of Tree Pruning. It’s NOT A ONE AND DONE Process for Fruit Bearing Trees. It Takes Years of Experience and It’s over the whole life of the tree. The timing is crucial. Mastering the WHEN TOOS during the seasons and the whys. Plus How the Trees Produce the Their Fruit. Jim’s Teaching Skills Shine like a Million Plus Apples, on a Sunny Day. ENJOY!
CLICK ON THE PHOTO and the VDO will Pop Open in a New Tab. Jim Koan gets Down and Dirty to Show Us How to Plant a Baby Graphed Apple Tree. The Whys, the How too’s and How to Protect and Nurture It in It’s Growing Process. Jim Gets into this so much, it looks like he has an addiction to Love Planting Trees. lol… A Passionate and Thorough Teacher. ENJOY!
CLICK ON THE PHOTO and the VDO will Pop Open in a New Tab. The Michigan State Horticultural Society Awards Jim Koan with the Distinguished Service Award of 2013. This Interview is a Deeper Look into the Benefits of Organically Growing Apples. Plus the Bottling of Scrumpy and Interacting Together as a Family in the Almar Orchards Operations. ENJOY!